Monday, October 23, 2006




This is for lovers of collage (like me). Decide on a collage size (default for me is usually postcard size: about 4*6), and if you want a theme for your swap we can decide on a specific topic too. Otherwise, it’s freestyle. Just collage and send it over and you’ll have one from me asap. :)

This is ongoing too. This is usually one of my most frequent swaps and most fun too because there’s always so much variety!

This picture is of a collaged page of my friend, Hershini on the street behind my college.


Anonymous said...

this is just the thing for me!
i'm a collage and assemblage artist and i've been looking to get into te mailart circle for a few years now but the correspondence is always erratic. this is perfect! thank you. :)
you'll have several eices from me soon.
i got your adress already from an old swap so you can wait in antiipation and i'll surprise you. :)
amy berger

Anonymous said...

i'm going to do one with you just because i love your collages and i could do more or ess anything to get you to send me some- in this case, it means i'll make 2 collages just so you'll send me two. :D

MAHIMA said...

:p i'd send you some anyway :p

Anonymous said...

i know :p
how about you just let me compliment you :p

MAHIMA said...

go ahead. :) :p