Monday, October 23, 2006



Letters are another perpetual love for me. I write and speculate and dream on paper and I love to see other peoples thought processes, lives, dreams on paper. So write me a letter. Draw in it if you like. Colour in words you like. Try new fonts, colours, strokes- I’ll admire your creative boldness. There can be no mistakes. Tell me about anything you like- you. Your life. The smell of that tree you love. The rain. The view from your window.

I’ll tell you about me. What I think, love, believe.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

oh, yes, this one is for me WHO HASN'T HAD A LETTER FROM YOU IN AGES!
so here's a formal invitation.
may i please send you a letter with colour and dreams for he promise for having one from you?

MAHIMA said...

you could simply have said WRITE TO ME :p
but, now that you said it,
you create one for me first :D yes, with colour and rhyme and all that jazz. :)